
Databases@FCSE News

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Student DB Projects

Databases 2022-2023 Winter term by VVA

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General Information

Main lecturer: Vangel V. Ajanovski, PhD, Associate Professor

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Course Contents

This course is on-going and the information will be updated according to the progress.

I use the following premises when teaching Databases in 2021

  • Learn by Doing
    All courses I teach are project based and personalized - students build projects individually or in small groups
  • Guided and Personalized
    I personally supervise the project work week by week, and offer menthorship and guidance through individualized comments and critique towards advancement

Lecture topics

  1. Introduction
  2. Entity-Relationship Modeling
  3. ER notations comparioson
  4. Relational model
  5. Translation of ER model to relational model
  6. SQL
  7. UML Diagrams
  8. Relational algebra
  9. Relational algebra with NULL values
  10. Relational Calculus
  11. Database integrity
  12. Application Development
  13. Functional Dependencies
  14. Normalization and Normal Forms

Project work

Project Phases

  1. ER Modeling
  2. Translation of ER model to relational database schema
  3. SQL DDL
  4. SQL DML
  5. DB Application Development - Building a prototype application using the database schema developed during Labs.
  6. Functional Dependencies and Normalization
  7. Advanced DB Application Development - Transactions, Services and Background jobs

Student projects