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General Information
Main lecturer: Vangel V. Ajanovski, PhD, Associate Professor
Related sites and tools:
- Learning management system:
- dbLearn* practice and exam system:
- EPRMS - Educational Project and Resource Management System:
- DEVELOP - Student Project Status and Documentation Trackings -
Course Contents
This course is on-going and the information will be updated according to the progress.
I use the following premises when teaching Databases in 2021
- Learn by Doing
All courses I teach are project based and personalized - students build projects individually or in small groups - Guided and Personalized
I personally supervise the project work week by week, and offer menthorship and guidance through individualized comments and critique towards advancement
Lecture topics
- Introduction
- Entity-Relationship Modeling
- ER notations comparioson
- Relational model
- Translation of ER model to relational model
- UML Diagrams
- Relational algebra
- Relational algebra with NULL values
- Relational Calculus
- Database integrity
- Application Development
- Functional Dependencies
- Normalization and Normal Forms
Project work
Project Phases
- ER Modeling
- Translation of ER model to relational database schema
- DB Application Development - Building a prototype application using the database schema developed during Labs.
- Functional Dependencies and Normalization
- Advanced DB Application Development - Transactions, Services and Background jobs