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Student DB Projects

Student Projects - 2017-2018 - EDNEVNIK

Title: E-Documentation for Academic Purposes

Acronym: ednevnik


This application keeps records of academic behavior of students for the duration of an entire school year. Access to the documentation have the teachers from the school as well as the administration. The initial data that’s supposed to be inserted in the database, like teachers, classes, subjects for all classes etc. are inserted by the administrative staff, who has accecss only if they log in with their username and password. The other part of the application is the documentation, in which data can be viewed or inserted by the teacher by logging in to the system. The first page, after you select the class that you want to see data for, shows you the subjects and the teachers that teach those subject, that are mendatory for the students of the class. The next page, shows you the absences of the students for each date and subject. You can also filter the data by date or by student. Here you have the optoin of adding a new absence of a student for a particular subject class, which can only be inserted by a teacher who has the right permissions. When adding a new absence, it is important to add that it always inserts the absence for the current day, which means every absence has to be added on the correct date. You can not add an absence earlier or later for the current day. Another functionality that this app offers is that it displays all the grades of every student from the selected class, as well as adding new grades or even adding new students, if a new student joined the class after the initial data has been inserted in the database. As an additional information, the app shows you all the subjects in which the students had the best grades during the school year, the students whose absence influenced their grades, and the students who had drastic change in their grades during the school year.


Emilija Trajkovska 135021




















